Query from base failed! Write mail to administrator admin@carblueprints.info. Error code: Query : SELECT name, url_name, blueprints FROM cb_Marks ORDER BY name
Leave your Suggestion
We are working on new CAR blueprints website. We need your suggestion how to develop and improve CAR blueprints.
I am developing www.streetspecs.com and would love to exchange HTTP Rest API access. I allow you guys to pull specifications, you allow me to pull car blueprints.
it would be a vast improvement if you could share drawings with car parts suppliers maybe and show these in depth views of the cars and there individual car parts...as shown in detail when visiting certain car parts sites,giving an almost complete blueprint of a car and its component parts in detail.
Drop the low resolution/blown up/bad quality blueprints
Better search criteria and search thumbnails
Stick to blueprints rather than rendered images
Good Luck!
We introducing Outlines - new way to get any blueprints
Today we launched Outlines (getoutlines.com). New way to get any blueprint you need: thousants of blueprints and vector drawings of transport (cars, motos, airplanes, helicopters, tanks, trains, ships) weapons, human body, smartphones and devices.